[Gambas-user] Help with understanding how not to hard-code paths

richard terry rterry at ...1946...
Sat Aug 16 14:26:34 CEST 2008

I've got to the point with my program where I need to  remove hard coding 
references I used when starting to develop the concepts of my program, so I'd 
like to ask for some advice how to do this, in a couple of situations.

1) When the program runs

2) To do with html I've saved to my database, where I've put checkboxes on a 
form, by using an image. Probably there is a proper way to do this with 

e.g in one of my files I end up with this html:

<IMG SRC='/home/richard/coding/gambas2/gb2/icons/12/checkbox_checked.png' 
NAME=5%image_name%' ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0>Fasting<BR 

Which obviously is not much good if I later want to show it on another 

Any help appreciated, and thanks in advance.


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