[Gambas-user] XMLRpc maybe a Bug

Peter Lang massenpost at ...1093...
Wed Aug 13 00:58:00 CEST 2008


After investigating the Source of xmlrpc i thought i know how to use it...
Everything work so far, but the last Step does not work. 
The line: myStruc.Value(a) has to return the result, but instead of giving 
back an int  i get an RpcStruct again and again.

The sample does not much useful, but when it ends it throws the following 
Errors to the Console:
WARNING: circular references detected
RpcStruct (1)
WARNING: 9 allocation(s) non freed.

Is there any additional Documentation i missed?


  DIM RpcF AS RpcFunction
  DIM myStruc AS RpcStruct
  DIM client AS RpcClient
  DIM hVar AS NEW Variant[]
  DIM ret AS Variant
  DIM a AS Integer
  DIM name AS String
  DIM dType AS Integer
  a = 0

  RpcF = NEW RpcFunction("sample.sumAndDifference", [XmlRpc.xInteger, 
XmlRpc.xInteger], XmlRpc.xStruct)
  client = NEW RpcClient(RpcF)
  client.URL = "http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/api/sample.php"
  myStruc = client.Call(hVar)
  DO WHILE a < myStruc.Count 
    name = myStruc.Key(a)
    dType = myStruc.dataType(a)
    ret = myStruc.Value(a)
    INC a

BOFH excuse #335:

the AA battery in the wallclock sends magnetic interference

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