[Gambas-user] PDF file sent by gb.net.smtp
Leonardo Miliani
leonardo at ...1237...
Sat Apr 19 11:45:50 CEST 2008
Leonardo Miliani ha scritto:
> Leonardo Miliani ha scritto:
>> Leonardo Miliani ha scritto:
>>> Benoit Minisini ha scritto:
>>>> The first argument is the data, not the file path. You must write:
>>>> PostService.Add(File.Load(FileChooser1.SelectedPath), "application/pdf", "document.pdf")
>>> I misunderstood the online help.... I'll try you suggestion.
>> It doesn't work!
>> I still continue to receive an empty document whose Mimetype is
>> text/plain instead of application/pdf.
>> The strange things are that my test applications runs for several
>> seconds, as if it was sending the file and Thunderbird seems to download
>> a big file, as it it had arrived without problems. But when I go to open
>> the attachment I find the empty file.
>> Any suggestions?
> Maybe I've found the problem. I've saved the email and opened it with a
> Text editor.
> Here is what I've found in it:
> "
> [cut]
> This is a MIME multipart message. Your mail reader isn't MIME capable.
> You might not be able to read parts or all of this message.
> ------_=_libsmtp_Nextpart__000_000007DA.3B95D19_1
> Content-Type: text/plain; name="MIME part #0"; charset="utf-8"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Prova
> ------_=_libsmtp_Nextpart__000_000007DA.3B95D19_1
> Content-Type: application/postscript; name="stampa.ps"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> LjMuNwolJUNyZWF0aW9uRGF0ZTogZ2lvIGFwciAxNyAxMjozNjoyOCAyMDA4CiUlT3JpZW50YXRp
> ZENvbW1lbnRzCiUlQmVnaW5Qcm9sb2cKJSBQcm9sb2cgY29weXJpZ2h0IDE5OTQtMjAwNSBUcm9s
> bHRlY2guIFlvdSBtYXkgY29weSB0aGlzIHByb2xvZyBpbiBhbnkgd2F5CiUgdGhhdCBpcyBkaXJl
> Y3RseSByZWxhdGVkIHRvIHRoaXMgZG9jdW1lbnQuIEZvciBvdGhlciB1c2Ugb2YgdGhpcyBwcm9s
> [cut]"
> You can see that the file has arrived as attachment but Thunderbird
> isn't capable to separate it from the message body....
I've tried to open my test message via webmail and I've got the same
Looking at the email that I've included in my previous message I think
that it could be a bug in the gb.net.smtp component.
In fact I think that the method used to include the message body
(.Add()) isn't correct: it includes the message body as attachment.
So the mail readers are not able to distinguish between the 2 Mimetypes
(I think...).
Web: www.leonardomiliani.com
E-mail: leonardo at ...1237...
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