[Gambas-user] changing the cell colours in grid (oops forgot the graphic)

Pino Zollo pinozollo at ...626...
Wed Apr 16 23:44:13 CEST 2008

Alle 16:21, mercoledì 16 aprile 2008, 
gambas-user-request at lists.sourceforge.net ha scritto:
> From: richard terry <rterry at ...1822...>
> Subject: [Gambas-user] changing the cell colours in grid (oops forgot
>         the     graphic)
> To: mailing list for gambas users <gambas-user at lists.sourceforge.net>
> Message-ID: <200804160850.12937.rterry at ...1822...>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> When I select my grid it gets the default KDE plastik dark blue marquee
> which as the attatched piccie shows is really hard to read.
> I've tried making my own colour scheme in KDE, which an interesting result
> that the gambas IDE updates its colours, including the properties grid in
> gambas, but when the program runs it still gets the plastik dark blue.
> Is there anyway to change the grid forecolour on a per cell or selected row
> basis?
> Regards
> Richard

GridSpot[Riga, 0].ForeColor = &HFF0000&
GridSpot[Riga, 3].BackColor = &HCBFFCC&


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