[Gambas-user] does listview.item.selected=true do same as listview_click?

Ron Onstenk ronstk at ...239...
Tue Apr 1 08:00:55 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 01 April 2008 06:38, jbskaggs wrote:
> I noticed with my perpetual file problems- that I needed to track down each
> step of the program.
> I discovered that every time listview.item.selected=true occurred it had the
> same affect as if I clicked on it- because it ran listview_click every time
> it occured.
If you use a control to show some information related to the
selected listview/treeview item (i.e. the file list in a file manager)
it should update that information.
gambas does fire the event to access such update.
It would be stupid to see the information (filelist) from wrong item(directory).

You can use Lock and unlock to prevent if it is not wanted.

> IN my ignorance and misunderstanding of the doc I thought it meant only to
> highlight the list.item.
No misunderstanding, the event is/was not mentioned and I had once the same
problem of fireing the events. 

MS-VB let you set the new item in code and you must call the updating 
routine yourself. It is just logical the way gambas handle this.

> Am I understanding that properly now? listview.item.selected=true does same
> as listview_click?
So the answer is seam to be Yes :=)

> JB SKaggs


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