[Gambas-user] datefields revisited
Benoit Minisini
gambas at ...1...
Mon May 21 21:05:36 CEST 2007
On dimanche 20 mai 2007, Steven Lobbezoo wrote:
> Hi Benoit,
> Did you have time to take a look at my problem ?
> Steven
When I don't answer, it is usually because I don't have the time :-)
Well, there are a lot of horrible things in your code.
Your problem comes from the fact that you don't read and write dates the same
To read the date, you use the Gambas Result object that returns a date, and
the Str$() function that converts the date to its *localized* string full
But when writing the date, you make yourself the SQL request, by using a
syntax that is not necessarily correct.
You must know that SQL is a standard like Microsoft is a charity compagny. In
other words, its syntax mainly depends on the underlying database system. And
so I designed the gb.db component to find a workaround.
And so you must use the "quoting" feature of the DB.Exec() method. Each time
you must insert a value in a SQL request (a number, a date, a string...), you
must use the "&X" string, where X is the index of the value, and then you
pass the value as parameters to the Exec() method.
For example, you must not do:
DB.Exec("UPDATE Ventes SET Date = \"10/2/2007\" WHERE Id = 123456")
DB.Exec("UPDATE Ventes SET Date = &1 WHERE Id = &2", TheDate, TheID)
In your specific case, when everything is made dynamically, you must use the
DB.Quote() function, that takes any value, and returns its string
presentation in the format of the underlying database system.
Finally, your date problem comes from the fact that usually SQL does not take
a localized format of the date, but an american one.
A last point: it is useless and slower to do
Object.SetProperty(ctrl, "Tag", "xxx"). Just do ctrl.Tag = "xxx". If, of
course, ctrl is an instance of a class that has a Tag property.
Do not hesitate to read the documentation on the wiki.
Benoit Minisini
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