[Gambas-user] Re; Grid / Double Click

ron ronstk at ...239...
Fri May 4 11:03:18 CEST 2007

On Friday 04 May 2007 10:11, Gareth Bult wrote:
> Yup, this is the issue I have .. it can be made to work "mostly" ..
> However, writing applications that work "mostly" doesn't really do it
> for me ... :(
> My solution for now is to use a keyboard event rather than a double
> click ...
> If anyone has a working calculation I'm all ears ... :)
> Gareth.

This routine checks if the mouse x/y is above a cell and not in the space below/right of it

' waiting for updated gambas, function is add on my request
PUBLIC FUNCTION hGrid at ...1692...(x AS Integer, Y AS Integer) AS Boolean
' returns true if out range
  DIM gx, gy AS Integer
  DIM gc, gr AS Integer
  gx = 0
  gy = 0
  gc = 0
  gr = 0
  WITH hGrid
    gx = .Columns[0].Width
    WHILE x > gx 
      INC gc
      IF gc > (.Columns.Count - 1) THEN RETURN TRUE
      gx += .Columns[gc].Width
    gy = .rows[0].Height
    WHILE y > gy 
      INC gr
      IF gr > (.rows.Count - 1) THEN RETURN TRUE
      gy += .rows[gr].Height
    .Column = gc
    .Row = gr

As mentioned the GridVie.Find is implement and here as private subroutine 'hGrid at ...1692...'
hFrid is the handle for the GridView control.

The calculation is here done.
In fact I set the .Row and .Column properties so after a call the return boolean
tells you if it is a valid hit or not.
When valid the GridView.Row and GridView.Column are set correct.


Here I did use the service
grdFields is the name of the GridView and the hGrid handle of it
GridCtrlHide routine did hide the overlay controls for editing.
GridCtrlShow routine shows the appropriate control for the .Row

The Gridview is used with on the row the value/properties of a field in database table.
Every row has his own control as textbox/listbox/combobox/checkbox
Every column is the representation of a field.
The result is transformed to a MySQL query
Code is never been clean up of remarks etc.(shame to me)

PUBLIC SUB grdFields_MouseDown()
'PRINT "grdFields_MouseDown:"; grdFields.Row; "/"; grdFields.Column
'PRINT mouse.X

  'if ctrl then save value if editing
  IF ctrTBX.Visible THEN ctrTBXSave

  'and go to new position
 ' IF grdFields at ...1692...(mouse.x, mouse.y) THEN RETURN 
' GridCtrlShow(grdFields.Row, grdFields.Column)

PUBLIC SUB grdFields_MouseMove()
  IF mouse.Left THEN
'PRINT "grdFields_MouseMove"

    'check in gridcell
    IF ME.grdFields at ...1692...(mouse.X, mouse.Y) THEN RETURN
   ' IF ME.grdFields.Find(mouse.X, mouse.Y) THEN RETURN
    Drag.Icon = picture["img/16/gambas.png"]
    drag(grdFields, MIME_TYPE_GRID)

PUBLIC SUB grdFields_MouseUp()
DIM vVal AS Variant
'PRINT "grdFields_MouseUp"; grdFields.Row; "/"; grdFields.Column

  IF grdFields at ...1692...(mouse.x, mouse.y) THEN RETURN

  IF grdFields.row = grd.GRDVIS THEN
    ' row/column for write data in grid
    grdFields.Tag = [grdFields.Row, grdFields.Column]
    vVal = IIf(UCase(grdFields[grdFields.Row, grdFields.Column].Text) = "YES", "No", "Yes")
    GridCtrlShow(grdFields.Row, grdFields.Column)



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