[Gambas-user] Syntax error confusion

Gerry Armstrong gerrya at ...67...
Fri May 4 04:47:28 CEST 2007

Guys,I am new to Gambas but have been impressed with its ease of use... although it has frustrated me due to my lack of knowledge of the language itself. I am having a problem with appending data to a file, I adjusted an example program to suite my needs but for some reason I am getting a syntax error in the line near the end of the code "hFile = OPEN "/home/gerry/smdr.txt" FOR WRITE APPEND" and I can't understand why. Please see the full code below. The object here is simply to append the data captured from the stream to a text file as well as to display it on the screen. Any advise as to why i get this error or even a better way of doing this is welcome!PRIVATE CurProtocol AS IntegerPUBLIC SUB Form_Open()    CurProtocol=0ENDPUBLIC SUB MySock_Ready()  '***********************************  ' When connection process has finished  ' successfully, "Connected" event will raise  '***********************************  Timer1.Enabled=FALSE    Label3.Text="Connected to remote host " & MySock.Path    Label3.Text=Label3.Text & " - Using local address : " & MySock.LocalHost & ":" & MySock.LocalPort  ME.Enabled=TRUE  Set_Interface(TRUE)ENDPUBLIC SUB MySock_Closed()  '********************************************  ' this event will raise when foreing host  ' closes the socket by any reason  '********************************************  Label3.Caption="Connection Closed by forieng host."  ME.Enabled=TRUE  Set_Interface (FALSE)  ENDPUBLIC SUB MySock_Found()  '********************************************  ' this event will raise when forieng host  ' name has been translated to IP  '********************************************  Label3.Caption="Host Found. Connecting..."  ENDPUBLIC SUB MySock_Read()  '****************************************  ' When some data arrives from the remote  ' part of the socket, "DataAvailable" event  ' is raised  '****************************************  DIM S AS String    IF MySock.Status=Net.Connected THEN       READ #MySock,S,Lof(MySock)       TextArea1.Text=TextArea1.Text & S       Save_Data(S)  END IF ENDPUBLIC SUB MySock_Error()  '**********************************  ' this is the function to  ' handle Errors when trying  ' to read or write to the socket  '**********************************  SELECT CASE MySock.Status    CASE Net.CannotCreateSocket      label3.Text="The system does not allow to create a socket"    CASE Net.HostNotFound      label3.Text="Host not Found"    CASE Net.ConnectionRefused      label3.Text="Unable to Connect. Connection Refused"    CASE Net.CannotRead      label3.Text="Error Reading Data"    CASE Net.CannotWrite      label3.Text="Error Writing Data"  END SELECT  Set_Interface (FALSE)ENDPRIVATE SUB Set_Interface(bState AS Boolean)  '****************************************  ' An auxiliar method to enable/disable  ' controls in the formulary , when  ' connection is stablished or closed  '****************************************  Button1.Enabled=NOT bState  TextBox1.Enabled=NOT bState  TextBox2.Enabled=NOT bState  'CmbProtocol.Enabled=NOT bState  'Label5.Enabled=NOT bState  Button2.Enabled=bState  Timer1.Enabled=bState  'TextArea1.Enabled=bState  'Button3.Enabled=bState  'TextArea2.Enabled=bState  IF bState=TRUE THEN TextArea1.Text=""  ENDPUBLIC SUB Button1_Click()   '******************************************  ' To connect to remote host we call to  ' connectsocket method, passing Host Name  ' and port as arguments  '******************************************  DIM RetVal AS Integer  Button1.Enabled=FALSE      ' Stablishing a TCP connection.      ' Here we use Host and      ' Port properties, we could also      ' do directly MySock.Connect(TextBox1.Text,VAL(TextBox2.Text))      MySock.Host=TextBox1.Text      MySock.Port=Val(TextBox2.Text)      MySock.Connect()ENDPUBLIC SUB Timer1_Timer()  '***************************  ' timeout trying to connect  '***************************  ME.Enabled=TRUE  Timer1.Enabled=FALSE  IF MySock.Status<>Net.Connected THEN    CLOSE MySock    Set_Interface (FALSE)    Label3.Text="Timeout trying to stablish connection"  END IFENDPUBLIC SUB Button2_Click()    '**********************************  ' Here we close the connection  ' to remote host  '**********************************  CLOSE MySock  Set_Interface(FALSE)  Label3.Text="Connection closed by user"ENDPUBLIC SUB Form_Close()  '*********************  ' Close possible Stablished connections  '*********************  IF MySock.Status>0 THEN CLOSE #MySockENDPUBLIC SUB Save_Data(S AS String)  DIM hFile AS File  hFile = OPEN "/home/gerry/smdr.txt" FOR WRITE APPEND  WRITE #hFile, SENDGerry

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