[Gambas-user] Question about how to address more than 1 checkbox or picturebox item in for-next loop

Ron Klinkien ron at ...1740...
Thu Jul 26 16:20:34 CEST 2007

Hi all,

Say i have defined more than one checkbox or picturebox item in the gui 
designer and i want to change the status of them in a
for-next loop, instead of if-end if them one after the other, if and how 
is this possible?

I have defined PictureBoxI0 - PictureBoxI7
 DIM i AS Integer
 DIM SensorByte1 as Byte
 DIM PBoxI AS PictureBox = [PictureBoxI0, PictureBoxI1, PictureBoxI2, 
PictureBoxI3, PictureBoxI4, PictureBoxI5, PictureBoxI6, PictureBoxI7]
    FOR i = 0 TO 7
     IF BTst(SensorByte1, i) THEN
           PBoxI[i].Picture = picOn.Picture
           PBoxI[i].Picture = picOff.Picture
      END IF
Doesn't work.
Error is
Type Mismatch:  Wanted PictureBox got Object[] instead.

I have now:

    IF BTst(SensorByte1, 7) THEN
      PictureBoxI7.Picture = picOn.Picture
      PictureBoxI7.Picture = picOff.Picture
    END IF

    IF BTst(SensorByte1, 6) THEN
      PictureBoxI6.Picture = picOn.Picture

and so on... not so nice if you have more than 24 of them...

Thanks in advance for any pointers...


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