[Gambas-user] I hope this example could be included as one of the gambas examples. Please check the attachment

Yudi Astira akubukanspy at ...43...
Tue Jan 30 13:28:34 CET 2007

Dear Benoit.

I has been made example of bar chart
I hope this example could be included as one of the gambas examples.
 Please see the attachment. 

Thanks for your attention
 Yudi Astira
Yogyakarta Indonesia

Yudi Astira, http://www.hdteam.net
Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast 
 with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.
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URL: <http://lists.gambas-basic.org/pipermail/user/attachments/20070130/01b52fb9/attachment.bin>

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