[Gambas-user] Install problem of 1.9.47 on SUSE 10.2

Dominique Simonart simonart.dominique at ...11...
Sat Feb 17 22:11:49 CET 2007

Salut Charlie,

Thanks for your reply!
In fact,I've already tried to run make and make install, but this did'nt
product anythink I could run

I noticed with konqueror that OS is Linux i686, but
System is openSUSE 10.2 (i586)
is this anything important?

I tried to find the missing libraries with google but there are so many
answers wich I don't understand!

Dominique Simonart

Charlie Reinl a écrit :
> Salut Dominique,
> like in often with linux, you need not all to run it.
> Also there is no need to have all components to run gambas. 
> You have the moste common components.
> Here a short description of your components which are disabled  
>     gb.corba		for handle with corba lib
>     gb.db.firebird	a database driver for firebird database
>     gb.qte		Embedded Linux (PDA's etc)
>  If you need more informations about that components search in wickipetia. 
> You can start working, I think
> Amicalment
> Charlie

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