[Gambas-user] Aligning widgets

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...9...
Mon Feb 5 00:14:32 CET 2007

Am Donnerstag, den 01.02.2007, 10:33 +0100 schrieb Leonardo Miliani:
> nando ha scritto:
> > I would like to know if Benoit is thinking of allowing wigets
> > to be 'locked' (on a per-form basis) so that they cannot be accidentally moved.
> > Don't hit me if I were to mention that was available on VB5 and
> > was very handy..especially with many wigets on screen.
> > 
> > Fernando
> > 
> I would like it too...
> I think it could be very useful, i.e., when you put a widget non aligned
> with the grid but in different coordinates: sometime, when you select
> it, the IDE realignes it at the grid....

I'v a question to all those who like to have locked-forms.

I aske that, to know what should be locked if a form is locked, and what
should be possible to do on a locked form.

Today (if you have the svn-trunk) you can mark controles and copy them
to the clipboard, or work on the forms class.

I think it is usefull, that locking a form means:

1. NO possibillity to move components with the mouse.
2. NO resize of the form.
3. changing properties of a control only in the property-window
4. or alignments with multible controls
5. or 'same' actions with multible controls
6. save these changes
7. remember whether the form was set to locked.


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