[Gambas-user] Write to file is adding strange characters

lawrence pires piresl at ...626...
Tue Dec 25 12:32:15 CET 2007

Im trying to automate the writing of a dvd.xml file.

Im trying to create and write the following text into a file:

 <dvdauthor>  <vmgm />    <titleset>      <titles>        <pgc>
  <vob file="your_video.mpg" chapters="0,0:20,0:30,0:40,0:50,0:60" />
      </pgc>      </titles>    </titleset></dvdauthor>

Heres the code im using:

PUBLIC SUB Button2_Click()
DIM hFile AS File
DIM test AS String
DIM test1 AS String
DIM test3 AS String

test = "<dvdauthor> \n<vmgm /> \n<titleset>\n<titles>\n<pgc>\n"
test1 = "<vob" "file=\"your_video.mpg\""
"chapters=\"0,0:20,0:30,0:40,0:50,0:60\"" "/>"
test3 = "\n</pgc>\n</titles>\n</titleset>\n</dvdauthor>"

hFile = OPEN "/home/don/Desktop/dvd" FOR CREATE

WRITE #hFile, test
WRITE #hFile, test1
WRITE #hFile, test3
FLUSH #hFile
CLOSE #hFile

And this is the contents after the above has been executed:

<vmgm />

As you can see is writing strange characters to the dvd.xml file.

can anyone please help me?

Kind regards & Happy Christmas

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