[Gambas-user] Close button dont work in this case. Why???

Wellington de Souza Pinto wspinto at ...1405...
Thu Aug 30 13:30:27 CEST 2007


If i call the forms in this method, the close button and me.close() not work.

... Function Main()

   Dim hForm as Form

   hForm = New mForm
   hForm = Null


(in mForm) Have menu with 3 options (mySub1, mySub2, mySub3)

In Click() method im call the next window


When i click in X button in mySub1,2 or 3 FORM (Close Button, in caption) or use
this code (ME.Close())

DONT CLOSE THE FORMS!!!! WHY?????????????

The (X) and Me.Close() not Work!!!

myForm1.ShowModal (call) myForm2.Show (call) myForm3,4,5 and 6.Show
The Close not work in myForm3,4,5 and 6 and if click in close in myform2 the
forms 3,4,5 and 6 are closed.


Souza Wellington

Para fazer uma ligação DDD pra perto ou pra longe, faz um 21. A Embratel tem
tarifas muito baratas esperando por você. Aproveite!

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