[Gambas-user] Barcode.... Here ya go Hamilton...

Stephen Bungay sbungay at ...981...
Fri Apr 27 17:58:16 CEST 2007

  This is the code (slightly modified from the original) for a Module (Mine is 
called 'BarCodeFunctions') that should do the trick for you (and anyone else 
who needs to make barcodes).


' Gambas module file
'* Author: Stephen Bungay.
'* Date: Sept 15 2006
'* Creates a barcode PNG file using the GNU Barcode
'* tool and Imagemagic convert.
'* Returns a Picture object.
PUBLIC FUNCTION CreateBarCode(pEncodeString AS String, OPTIONAL pGiftCard AS 
Boolean, pProduction AS Boolean) AS Picture 

  DIM ShellString AS String 
  DIM PathString AS String
  DIM BarcodePathString AS String 
  DIM ReturnValue AS Picture  
  DIM FilePrefix AS String 
 ' Remove any previopusly created barcode. 
  SHELL "rm -f " & user.Home & "/Barcode-" & pEncodeString & ".png"

 ' This command creates a 128b barcode...
  ShellString = BarCodePathString & "barcode -b " & pEncodeString & " -e 
128b -o " &  "~/Barcode-" & pEncodeString & ".ps"
  SHELL ShellString  
  WHILE NOT Exist("~/Barcode-" & pEncodeString & ".ps")
        WAIT 0.4
  ShellString = "convert " & "~/Barcode-" & pEncodeString & ".ps -crop 
205x80+7+703 " &  "~/Barcode-" & pEncodeString & ".png"
  SHELL ShellString 

  WHILE Exist( "~/Barcode-" & pEncodeString & ".png") = FALSE 
        WAIT 1
  SHELL "rm -f " &  "~/Barcode-" & pEncodeString & ".ps"
  WAIT 0.2
  ReturnValue = picture.load( "~/Barcode-" & pEncodeString & ".png")
  RETURN (ReturnValue) 

'* Print a barcode.
'* Takes a filename (PNG File created by the routine above)
'* as a parameter. 
' * Substutute your printer here. This one uses a 
'* DYMO_Labelwriter_400
PUBLIC SUB PrintBarCode(pFileName AS String)
  IF FormLauncher.Environment = ModuleConstants.cProduction THEN 
     SHELL "lpr -P DYMO_LabelWriter_400_USB_1 /home/kidscopos/Barcode-" & 
     Message.Info("Dev Environment In Use.\n" &
                  "Printing disabled.")

  END IF   

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