[Gambas-user] Can't exec an sql string

Fabricio Silva buxaman at ...626...
Thu Oct 26 15:14:36 CEST 2006

I was trying this when saving data:

txtprice.Text = Replace$(txtprice.Text, ",", ".")
then executing the sql to save. ok.
So when the user types 1,25 it's saves 1.25 into a float type field.

But my problem is when showing the saved data. I tryed a tableview.
PUBLIC SUB show_data()
DIM sql AS String
  WITH tbvcadprodutos
    .rows.count = 0
    .columns.count = 4
    .columns[0].text = "Código"
    .columns[0].Width = 50
    .columns[1].text = "Descrição"
    .columns[1].Width = 250
    .Columns[2].Text = "Quantidade"
    .columns[2].Width = 80
    .columns[3].text = "Preço"
    .columns[3].Width = 70

  sql = "SELECT codigo, descricao, quantidade, preco FROM `produto` ORDER BY
`codigo` ASC"
  global.preencher(tbvcadprodutos, sql)

Procedure preencher
PUBLIC SUB preencher(tbv AS tableview, qry AS String)
  DIM i AS Integer
  i = 0
  rs1 = db.exec(qry)
  DO WHILE i <= rs1.Fields.Count
    tbv.rows.count = 0
    IF rs1.count <> 0 THEN
      tbv.columns.count = rs1.fields.count
      tbv.rows.count = rs1.count
    END IF
  i = i + 1
and to show the data
PUBLIC SUB tbvcadprodutos_Data(Row AS Integer, Column AS Integer)

  arrtable[0] = "codigo"
  arrtable[1] = "descricao"
  arrtable[2] = "quantidade"
  arrtable[3] = "preco"

  tbvcadprodutos.data.Text = Str(global.rs1[arrtable[Column]])


And the 'preco' values are shown wrongly.
34,00 typed by the user is displayed 34.
and 89,56 is displayed 89.56.

So I tried another way of showing the data:

tbvcadprodutos.data.Text = Format(global.rs1[arrtable[Column]], "#.00")

"Type mismatch: Wanted Float got String instead" error appears.

I'm stuck in this. I tryed datasource and databrowser pair too... but I
can't manipulated this can I?

Plz help me out in this. I'm desesperated. :)

Best Reards


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