[Gambas-user] Why 1.9.x doesn't show up

Laurent Carlier lordheavy at ...512...
Wed May 31 17:01:28 CEST 2006

Le Mercredi 31 Mai 2006 08:32, Eilert a écrit :
> This problem is only with gambas 1.9.x, and it is on the machine itself
> as well as on the X server I'm usually sitting at (in my office).
> Yes, I log in via X into the server from my office, but when I go to the
> server directly and start gambas on the screen there, there is the same
> problem: I log in under one of my guest accounts, then start "gambas2",
> the first window appears asking for loading a new or existing or example
> project, I click on "Kate Browser" or something, it says "This project
> is write protected", OK, then the Tip of the Day appears, the maskot
> appears, and when I close the Tip of the Day, the maskot remains the
> only thing to see.
> On my office machine, it doesn't show the Tip of the Day anymore, maybe
> I switched it off (don't remember), the rest is the same.
> I will have to killall gbx2 to stop it.
> 102 is the server, 151 is my office machine running the X server. Up to
> gambas 1.9.24, this problem has never arisen (arosen, arised? :-) ) before.
> Any help if I compiled it under a guest account and issued the strace
> from there directly on the server?
> Regards,
> Rolf

I've try to run gambas2 through my network with ssh and it work fine for me.


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