[Gambas-user] dynamic popup menu, right click
mike webb
mwebb at ...1362...
Fri Mar 31 08:57:19 CEST 2006
Benoit Minisini wrote:
>On Thursday 30 March 2006 14:35, mike webb wrote:
>>boy i sure understand that i
>>must assign an event name to your newly created controls
>>i'm trying that with the sub
>>PUBLIC SUB editmenuitem_click()
>> message.Info("edit was selected")
>>this sub is for the newly created control
>>PUBLIC editmenuitem AS Menu
>>notice how i've placed the _click after the control name.
>>is that not correct ??
>>the email that you replied with does not have this sub in it, look a the
>>original that i sent, it should be their.
>>Benoit Minisini wrote:
>>>On Thursday 30 March 2006 08:54, mike webb wrote:
>>>>still havn't figured out this problem, tried reducing the problem by
>>>>simplifing some stuff but it still doesnt work:
>>>>what i'm trying to do is catch the "click" event from a dynamicly
>>>>created "right click" popup menu.
>>>>in form1 i have these public variables:
>>>>PUBLIC rightmenu AS Menu
>>>>PUBLIC addmenuitem AS Menu
>>>>PUBLIC deletemenuitem AS Menu
>>>>PUBLIC editmenuitem AS Menu
>>>>in form1 i have created a tableview called tableview1, and this sub:
>>>>PUBLIC SUB TableView1_Menu()
>>>> rightmenu = NEW Menu(form1,FALSE)
>>>> editmenuitem = NEW Menu(rightmenu,FALSE)
>>>> addmenuitem = NEW Menu(rightmenu,FALSE)
>>>> deletemenuitem = NEW Menu(rightmenu,FALSE)
>>>> deletemenuitem.Text = "delete a row"
>>>> editmenuitem.Text = "edit a row"
>>>> addmenuitem.Text = "add a row"
>>>> rightmenu.Popup
>>>You must assign an event name to your newly created controls, as Fabien
>>>told you. Otherwise your menu won't raise any event!
>Read the mail of Fabien Bodard carefully again:
> editmenuitem = NEW Menu(rightmenu,FALSE) AS "EditMenuItem"
> addmenuitem = NEW Menu(rightmenu,FALSE) AS "AddMenuItem"
> deletemenuitem = NEW Menu(rightmenu,FALSE) AS "DeleteMenuItem"
>Do you notice the AS "xxx" after the NEW? That defines the event name of the
>object, and allows it to raise events.
Read the mail of Fabien Bodard carefully again:
editmenuitem = NEW Menu(rightmenu,FALSE) AS "EditMenuItem"
yes you are correct, i looked right at it and still didn't see it.
discovered this for myself last night while i was going over the IDE
source code.
theirs A LOT of things that can be learned by reading that source code.
i believe i'm going to be doing a lot of source code reading over the
next few weeks.
btw thanks everyone for helping.
upgrading to fedora core 5 today, afterwards i hope to be able to
compile the lastest dev. version of gambas.
(then i'll be able to give you guys reallllly big headaches)
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