[Gambas-user] External Library Interface

Christopher Brian Jack brian at ...1334...
Wed Mar 8 07:12:55 CET 2006

On Sat, 4 Mar 2006, Rob Kudla wrote:

> With six recently added commands/functions:  alloc, EXTERN, free,
> LIBRARY, realloc, and strptr.
> http://www.gambasdoc.org/help/cat/extern

Would it be possible to make LIBRARY a class with one static method to
replicate the behavior of LIBRARY="libxxx:yyy" but also have a static
function to return an enumeration of the symbols available in the
currently "cursored" shared library.

PS: I looked up the docs and dlopen is capable of refcounting so reopening
a shared library that is already loaded is not a problem and it merely
returns the same library handle internally (at least not with debian linux
Sarge edition dlopen) the library will be deallocated from the system when
dlopen detects all dependencies are detached and dlclose has returns the
refcounter to 0 (one refcount/dependency tracker per uniquie library

|  Christopher BRIAN Jack aka "Gau of the Veldt"  |
| brian _AT_ brians-anime _DOT_ com
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