[Gambas-user] Using the 1.9.x on Ubuntu /Deb. unstable ?!

Alex Ciric a.ciric at ...1147...
Sun Mar 5 14:57:51 CET 2006

Hi together.

at the moment  i am using Gambas 1.9.x on Debian Sarge.
On my notebook i am using Debian unstable. Unfortunately, the 
Apt-repositories from Debian Unstable (also Ubuntu 5.10) contain only 
the Gambas 1.0.x version.
So i added the official Gambas repository from Jose. Now i had the 
dev-packages available.

But if i choose to install these packages, APT tells me that there are 
version conflicts with 1.0.x.
Is there a way to force the installation of the dev-packages witch synaptic?

BTW. When will the 1.9.x branch be stable? I built my whole app around 
it, and i dont want to change the whole app back to the stable branch...

BTW2: i built a little CRM with gambas. At the moment i am able to 
manage customer addresses and a few more details. Also it is possible 
to  save unlimited infos about the customer as for example memos 
(including time/date and dialogue partner), contact persons and bank 
accounts for every customer.
In the next time i plan to embed OpenOffice2 Sessions for automatic 
invoices and letter templates.
Is there anyone who wants to help?

Thanks in advance.


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