[Gambas-user] Split Strings

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Mon Jan 9 22:28:10 CET 2006

On Monday 09 January 2006 21:30, Rob Kudla wrote:
> On Mon January 9 2006 15:04, Mike Keehan wrote:
> > >>> IPADDR[0]=""
> >
> > Split can take multiple separators.  Try something like this:-
> >    Bits = Split(s1, "[]=")
> > This produces four Message boxes on Gambas 1.0.13,
> > Maybe Benoit can tell us why the 3rd. one is blank :)
> It should be blank.  Here are where the splits occur (sorry to
> people who don't use a fixed width font):
> IPADDR[0]=""
>       ^ ^^
> As you can see, there's nothing but an empty string between the
> second and third delimiters, so it puts an empty string in the
> array.  Otherwise, it'd make parsing CSV files where there may
> or may not be a value for every field almost impossible, since
> you wouldn't know which field had been eliminated.
> Rob

Split(), in the development version, takes an extra boolean parameter that 
tells him to remove void entries.

You can use also Scan(), this way:

PRINT Scan("IPADDR[0]=\"\"", "IPADDR[*]=\"*\"").Join(";")
--> 0;


Benoit Minisini

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