[Gambas-user] Split Strings

Werner Staudacher gambas-user at lists.sourceforge.net
Mon Jan 9 00:13:33 CET 2006

mm at ...1313... schrieb:

>Hi Gambas Users,
>I have got an array containing some string in the following format:
>I need to isolete the number within [] and transform it to an integer 
>variable. Can I use the split command or do I have do use regexp
>Best Regards

Hi Marcus

Split does not work for this sense.
Regexp is allways a good solution to extract a part within strings.
A simple solution i have see ones somewhere could also be: numb = val( 
mid( somestring, instr(somestring,"[")+1 ) ), but is maybe more vb like 
then gambas.

Regards, staudi

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