[Gambas-user] Database error

Fabien Bodard gambasfr at ...11...
Thu Jan 5 19:32:56 CET 2006

Le Jeudi 5 Janvier 2006 13:08, Ron Gottstein a écrit :
> Hello All,
> I amd using sqlite and sqlite3.
> I've been trying to write some code to do simple
> database operations.  I can create the database and
> its table, however, i cant seem to insert any data
> into the table.  I keep getting and error "Cannot
> Create Record: Abort Due To Constraint Violation".
> Please advise.  Below is the code to insert the data.
> Thank you,
> Ron Gottstein
> ' Gambas class file
> PUBLIC $hConn AS Connection
> PUBLIC hTable AS Table
> PUBLIC SUB btnCancel_Click()
>  DIM rTest AS Result
>  DIM sQuery AS String
>  DIM iParam AS Integer
>  iParam = 0
> sQuery = "select * from Addresses where id = "
>   INC Application.Busy
> $hConn = NEW Connection
>  WITH $hConn
>    .Type = "sqlite"
>    .Host = user.Home & "/gbAddressBook"
> '
>   $hConn.Name = "AddressBook"
>   $hConn.Open
>   $hConn.Begin
>   rTest = $hConn.Create("Addresses")
>   rTest!First_Name = tbFirstName.Text
>   rTest Last_Name = tbLastName.Text
>   rTest Street = tbStreet.Text
>   rTest City = tbCity.Text
>   rTest State = tbState.Text
>   rTest Zip_Code = tbZipCode.Text
>   rTest Home_Phone = tbHomePhone.Text
>   rTest Work_Phone = tbWorkPhone.Text
>   rTest Cell_Phone = tbCellPhone.Text
>   rTest Email = tbEmail.Text
>   rTest Birthday = tbBirthday.Text
>   rTest.Update
>   $hConn.Commit

try to remove commit...

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