[Gambas-user] Newbie question * 3

Karl Martindale karl at ...1303...
Tue Jan 3 10:50:11 CET 2006

On Tuesday 03 January 2006 20:23, Benoit Minisini wrote:
> > 1)  It seems that the release version of Gambas does not trim
> > trailing whitespace from lines whereas the devel version does.  How
> > can I stop the devel version from doing this? (in most cases it's
> > there for a reason! :-) )
> Why do you want whitespaces at the end of lines?

Maybe it's just me being quirky in the way I edit code sometimes, but the 
trimmed whitespace becomes a (slight) issue when, for example, I surround an 
assignment in spaces for readability:
"foo = "
then go and copy a variable name from elsewhere (because I've been a bit 
longwinded / descriptive in naming a variable) and paste my variable on the 
right side:
"foo =bar"
only to find my space trimmed.  

Or you press enter to get a new line, that's indented to your current level. 
If you move from that line before using it, all the indenting has been 

Like I say, it's probably just me being quirky, but features that are meant to 
be helpful that can't be turned off when you don't like them seem to make an 
editor less 'comfy'.

> > My query is: Is this the expected behaviour, and if so, are there any
> > plans to ever make AND not evaluate it's right operand if the left is
> > false?
> This is the expected behaviour. But you have an 'AND IF' / 'OF IF' syntax
> that does what you want. Look the 'IF' page in the documentation for more
> details.
Thank you! A case of RTF http://gambas.sourceforge.net/  because I tried RTFM 
and that didn't tell me ;)

And thank-you for an increasingly good tool, the project I'm hacking away at 
it starting to take shape!


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