[Gambas-user] Printing question

Leonardo Miliani leonardo at ...1237...
Thu Dec 21 23:12:56 CET 2006

Charlie Reinl ha scritto:
> Am Mittwoch, den 20.12.2006, 23:55 +0100 schrieb Leonardo Miliani:
>> Charlie Reinl ha scritto:
>>> Am Mittwoch, den 20.12.2006, 22:51 +0100 schrieb Leonardo Miliani:
>>>> Leonardo Miliani ha scritto:
>>>>> I would like to know if there is an easy way to print some datas in a
>>>>> pre-formatted form, like Active Report under Visual Basic, for example.
>>>>> I've looked at the Printer class in the documentation but I can only
>>>>> manage it as a "white paper" where I can draw lines, rectangles and put
>>>>> some text. Using it, create a document (i.e. a selling document) takes
>>>>> me a LOT of time and a LOT of code...
>>>> Any suggestion for my question?
>>>> Is it possible, for example, to directly print a form?
>>> Salut,
>>> Christian Faure has a DBReportDesigner/DBReportViewer Tool, but I can't
>>> refind his home page.
>>> Look in gambas-user archiv.
>>> Amicalment
>>> Charlie
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>> Thanks. I've looked in the Gambas mailing-list archive and I've found
>> something about that tool but the link I've found doesnt't work
>> anymore... It seems that the Christian Faure's webspace has gone off and
>> the last news of that tool are one year and half old...
>> Very badly... :-(
> Salut Leonardo.
> here his email, from  end of march 2006
> Christian Faure <christian.faurebouvard at ...357...>
> May be still works.
> Amicalment
> Charlie
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Thanks a lot for the address.
I've just wrote him.
Let's see if that e-mail is still on :-)


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E-mail: leonardo at ...1237...
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