[Gambas-user] Problem with internationalization

Gaël Le Hec'H gael.le-hech at ...357...
Mon Dec 4 11:24:00 CET 2006

Benoit Minisini a écrit :
> On Thursday 30 November 2006 11:55, Gaël Le Hec'H wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I can't get the internationalization to work on slackware 11 with Gambas
>> 1.9.47
>> The gambas IDE work perfectly with internationalization, I can switch to
>> fr_FR, es_ES and en_US but not my project.
>> Am I doing something wrong in my project ?
>> Best regards
> What are you doing exactly to switch to another language when running your 
> project?
when I change directly the system variable LANG=fr_FR or LANG=es_ES it 
works perfectly but when I change System.language = "fr_FR" it doesn't 
work. I understand that you can't change language on an already 
displayed form, but even after closing the form and "reshowing" it 
doesn't change language.

In the test-lang project button1 show the "translated" form with one 
translated label1.

in a Konsole  window :
./test-lang.gambas -> Label1 is translated in Français ok

./test-lang.gambas -> Label1 is translated in Espagnol ok

but if I select system.language with one of the RadioButton and show 
form1 with button1 it only show the translation according to $LANG.
If LANG=es_ES it show Espagnol with RadioButton Espagnol selected but if 
I select Anglais with RadioButton it show Label1 :-(

I doubt to be really clear ;-) but perhaps could you try the project ? 
To see am I doing wrong.

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