[Gambas-user] Picture resizing?

James Hatridge James.Hatridge at ...17...
Sun Aug 13 17:03:04 CEST 2006

HI Daniel et al..
On Saturday 12 August 2006 21:08, Daniel Campos wrote:
> If you're using a PictureBox, you can use the "Stretch" property to true,
> it will make the picture inside to fit with the dimensions of the box.
> Another way is to use the the Image class to process it:
> ....
> Dim hImg1 as Image
> Dim hImg2 as Image
> hImg1=Image.Load ("your path to the image")
> hImg2=hImg1.Stretch (newWidth, newHeight)
> PictureBox1.Picture=hImg2.Picture
> ....
> Daniel
> 2006/8/12, James Hatridge <James.Hatridge at ...17...>:
> > HI all...
> >
> > Ok new question! I have a picture box of about 300X400 to show my stamps.
> > For
> > most stamps its fine, but sometimes it shows only part of a larger stamp.
> > How
> > can I resize the picture (not the box) to fix inside the box?
> >
> > BTW thanks to everyone for their help, this is a great list.

OK, I got it working!

Here is the code I used:
DIM hPicture AS Picture

PicName = rs!Picture

IF IsNull(PicName) THEN
    PicName = "/home/hatridge/.Kstamp/Data/Pictures/default.jpg"
    PicName = "/home/hatridge/.Kstamp/Data/Pictures/" & PicName

hPicture = Picture[PicName]

IF hPicture.Height > 266 THEN
         PictureBox1.Stretch = TRUE
         PictureBox1.Picture = Picture[PicName]
         PictureBox1.Stretch = FALSE
         PictureBox1.Picture = Picture[PicName]

The problem I had was that the field "rs!Picture" could be blank, have a small 
picture, or a large picture. The "Stretch" command made the large picture fit 
inside the picturebox. But it blow up the small pictures and looked bad. The 
next problem was that when "rs!Picture" was blank hPicture.Height killed the 
program with a NULL value error. So I fixed it so when "rs!Picture" was blank 
it took a default picture. That cured the NULL value error, next I checked 
the height of the picture, if it was too big for the box I turned on Stretch. 

What do you guys think?


Jim Hatridge
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