[Gambas-user] #11 and a bug in the editor

mike-nought at ...17... mike-nought at ...17...
Sun Aug 6 07:49:26 CEST 2006

Hi Benoit, hi all.

I am currently writing a quite large project (an ID3-Tagger) with the 
development version and discovered Gambas not to behave as it should at two 
points. Here is the function I wanted to use for merging several objects (of 
the same type), keeping those values which are same and resetting all others:

PUBLIC FUNCTION merge(values AS Object[]) AS Object
  DIM o AS Object
  DIM i AS Variant
  DIM x AS Boolean
  DIM result AS Object
  DIM t AS String
  DIM v1 AS Variant
  DIM v2 AS Variant
  IF values.Count = 0 THEN RETURN NULL
  t = Object.Type(values[0])
  ' (1) this SELECT CASE should be replacable with result=New(t)
    CASE "CMPEGHeader"
      result = NEW CMPEGHeader
    CASE "CTag"
      result = NEW CTag
    CASE "CTagv1"
      result = NEW CTagv1
    CASE "CTagv2"
      result = NEW CTagv2
  FOR EACH i IN Classes[t].Symbols
    FOR EACH o IN values
      IF NOT x THEN 
        TRY Object.SetProperty(result, i, Object.GetProperty(o, i))
        x = TRUE
        v1 = NULL
        v2 = NULL
        TRY v1 = Object.GetProperty(result, i)
        TRY v2 = Object.GetProperty(o, i)
        IF NOT (v1 = v2) THEN 
          TRY Object.SetProperty(result, i, "")
        END IF
      END IF
    NEXT ' (2) interpreter jumps here after RETURN
    x = FALSE
  RETURN result

I marked the location of both bugs(?) with (1) and (2).

(1): Here a new instance of the type of the passed objects should be created, 
which was formerly possible through result=New(t) in this case. But now this 
doesn't work anymore, because the editor replaces New([...]) with NEW ([...]) 
which I cannot use here.

(2): This is an interesting bug. It causes a #11-error during runtime. 
Debugging this function stepwise, I discovered that everything works nicely 
until RETURN is reached. Instead of now returning the stuff, the Interpreter 
jumps back to the first NEXT (which I marked above), producing this 

I don't know, if this bug is reproducable in any project, is anyone able to 
reproduce it? If not, I'll send you my application.


P.S. I'm from germany, please forgive me my bad english.

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