[Gambas-user] a bug(?) that crashes Gambas 1.9.36

Stefano Palmeri stefanopalmeri at ...152...
Fri Aug 4 15:53:30 CEST 2006

Hi, Benoit.

I found a bug(?) in the Search & Replace tool that 
crashes Gambas 1.9.36.

To reproduce the bug do the following:

1) Copy this text in a project.

  DIM sAll AS String
  DIM sAllspaced AS String  
  sAll = "doremifasollasido"
  sAllspaced = "do re mi fa sol la si do"

2) Open the Search & Replace panel. Toggle "Word only" on.

3) Do a "Find previous" (pay attention to the inverted icons) search for the 
word "do". 

After two or three click on "Find previous", Gambas2 will crash.

No problem with "Find next".
No problem with "Find previous" and "Word only" toggled off.


Stefano Palmeri


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