[Gambas-user] Unable to execute Gambas 1.9.34-35-36

difusco_francesco@tiscali.it francesco.difusco at ...69...
Wed Aug 2 14:38:18 CEST 2006

> Maybe should you send me the output of your entire compilation process, as
> explained in the troubleshooting section of the website?
> --
> Benoit Minisini

I sent yu the output.txt file, but it has been rejected. IInfact, I have received this message:

Your request to the Gambas-user mailing list

Posting of your message titled "Re: [Gambas-user] Unable to
execute Gambas 1.9.34-35-36"

has been rejected by the list moderator. The moderator gave the
following reason for rejecting your request:

"Your message was too big; please trim it to less than 256 KB in

Any questions or comments should be directed to the list administrator

gambas-user-owner at lists.sourceforge.net

Could I compress output.txt?


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