[Gambas-user] How do I get the database name from Connection.Databases

ron ronstk at ...239...
Wed Apr 19 01:49:05 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 18 April 2006 14:11, Timothy Marshal-Nichols wrote:
> Listing the databases on a connection and tables in a database is not as complex as you make out.  But a quick example may make things easier to understand.
> PRIVATE SUB ListDatabases()
>   DIM c AS NEW Connection
>   DIM d AS Database
>   c.Type = "mysql"
>   c.Host = "localhost"
>   c.Name = "" ' No need to set database name
>   c.Login = "mysql"
>   c.Password = "password"
>   TRY c.Open
>     Message.Warning("Could not find databases\n\n" & ERROR.Text)
>     RETURN
>   END IF
>   Listbox1.Clear()
>   FOR EACH d IN c.Databases
>     PRINT d.Name
>     Listbox1.Add(d.Name)
>   NEXT
>   c.Close
> PRIVATE SUB ListTables()
>   DIM c AS NEW Connection
>   DIM t AS Table
>   c.Type = "mysql"
>   c.Host = "localhost"
>   c.Name = "GambasExample"
>   c.Login = "mysql"
>   c.Password = "password"
>   TRY c.Open
>     Message.Warning("Could not find tables\n\n" & ERROR.Text)
>     RETURN
>   END IF
>   Listbox1.Clear()
>   FOR EACH t IN c.Tables
>     PRINT t.Name
>     Listbox1.Add(t.Name)
>   NEXT
>   c.Close
> Thanks
> 8-{)} Timothy Marshal-Nichols


OK, I do have more or less the same now.

A explanation of the problem.

The internal help says: PROPERTY Databases AS Object <single>
The website says: PROPERTY Databases AS .ConnectionDatabases <multiple>
and for  .ConnectionDatabases it inherits .SubCollection
None of them have the .Name property.
For the property name it hints for multiple Database objects.

DIM myDBs as Databases ' Databases does not exist
DIM myDBs as Database[]  ' Database[] is wrong 
    myDBS = hConn.Databases 'not allowed for virtual class

    myDB  =myDBs[index] \__ can't be done
    Print myDB.Name     /

    myDB  =hConn.Databases[index] 'OK
    Print myDB.Name   'OK

You can't assing a variable with the content of a vitual class but 
can use the construction 'hConn.Databases' as the variable

  DIM db AS Database
  db = hConn.Databases[sKey]
Now here the sKey is a String, say the help, I asume here it is the name 
of the Database to use as in other implementations/languages is done.
The help would be more correct if told indexed by a String or Integer.

If it is an index _number_ in the array it would/should be 
  db = hConn.Databases[iIndex]

If I must use DIM myDB  as Object then 
print myDB.???? , the .Name does not exist for object
Using Object for variable names is with the completion not good 
working by design :)

Because I did not get a clear (data)type for Databases I did
DIM v as Variant

Using single step with gambas and a breakpoint at the v=hCo...
I was able to see clearly that v was changed from Variant to Database.

Now I know what I can use for the Properties/Methods/Events of the object
under test and in this case a Database (no events (yet)).

The missing point here is the explanation for .ConnectionDatabases and the Object.

PROPERTY Databases AS .ConnectionDatabases

The .ConnectionDatabases consists of a .Subcollection of multiple Database
objects and a manager to add and remove a Database to the .SubCollection.

.ConnectionDatabases AS Object
	+--- the .SubCollection of 1 or more Database objects
	|		|
	|		--- .Exists()
	---- and manager to .Add and .Remove from .SubCollection
For using a database you can use hConnection.DataBase[sKey as String]
or the FOR EACH xx in hConnection.Databases method.

	DIM myDB as Database
	myDB = hConnection.Database[sKey]

	DIM yourDB as Database
	FOR EACH yourDB in hConnection.Databases
	  Print yourDB.Name
	  'calling a subroutine ShowTables(yourDB.Tables)

Anyway thanks for the example as it can still be usefull for others to.


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