[Gambas-user] A Beginner's Guide to Gambas

Scott sclewin at ...1126...
Sat Oct 15 16:29:23 CEST 2005


    I have started reading the book and I like it, I am very new to 
Gambas and programming and this looks like it will be a big help, thank 
you.  I just have a few questions/comments from what I have read so far; 
I'm up to page 37.

    First, I was very pleased to see comments on proper programming 
practices.  Thanks to you I will now make sure to name my variables 
using the variable type in its name.  Also, I noticed you mentioned 
"QUIT" to be used in a program to end it.  That has never worked for me 
in version 1 or 2 of the program, I will have the program end, but a 
console will pop up with the message, "WARNING: circular references 
detected Form1 (1) Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy
WARNING: 2 allocation(s) non freed.".  I have been using "ME.Close" and 
that seems to work well to quit.

Your friend,


"No one is good at everything, but everyone is good at something"

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