[Gambas-user] Moving to gmail

Daniel Campos dcamposf at ...626...
Fri Oct 14 22:26:13 CEST 2005

Hi all:

I'm moving to Gmail, my subscription to netcourrier will finish on
October,18, and I don't want to pay again for POP access having free
options (free as in beer).

So my new public address is:

dcamposf at ...626...

Please delete my netcourrier address from your address books!

The netcourrier account will be alive a long time still, however I
will use it less and less...

Benoit: could you please change my mail address in the "Hall of Fame"?
Apart from this, I will use the netcourrier account for the Spanish
Gambas list some time more as I don't have time now to change the
options in the administrative interface.


Daniel Campos

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