[Gambas-user] Result is not available

Fabricio Santos gambas at ...1229...
Tue Nov 22 02:40:14 CET 2005

In this small piece of code I am insistently getting a meesage box with
the following error at runtime: "Result is not available"

PUBLIC SUB ComboBox1_Click()
  DIM res AS Result
  DIM sql AS String
  resManager.MoveTo( ComboBox1.Index)
  sql = "select city from office" &
  " where manager_id=" & resManager!id
  res = conn.Exec(sql)

If I watch "ComboBox1.Index" it yelds 0, which is correct.
If I watch "resManager!id" it yelds 1, which is also correct.
But it stops at line "res = conn.Exec(sql)" with the error above.

I am running Gambas 1.0.3. Might this be a bug? I couldn't find much on
this front.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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