[Gambas-user] Signal #11 (was Return Code 245 from SDL)

Dominique SIMONART simonart.dominique at ...11...
Tue Nov 22 00:38:39 CET 2005

Hi everybody,

I think I found the origine of the message! Here is how to produce it:

a GridView on a Form

	grd1.Rows.Count = 1
	grd1.Columns.Count = 1
	grd1[0,0].Picture.Load("myPath" &/ "myFile")	' --> signal #11

In the real program, I needed to remove the picture in a square of a GridView 
and, at the start of a new game, I wanted to restore it. So I used these 2 
methodes (Clear and Load). The Clear works indeed, but How to restore the 
picture after? May be I don't understand the goal of the Clear method!

About the GridView, I want to add some remarks
1) If a scroll bar is present, then the MouseDown event doesn't always points 
you on the rigth square. as an example, if you increment the Text value of a 
square each time you click on it, when you click on another square it is 
sometimes the first wich is added.  WORKAROUND: use the MouseUp event 

2) If a scroll bar is present, and if you scroll the Grid, the Scroll event 
AND the MouseUp event are fired. In the preceding example, the last square 
will be added during the scroll!!
WORKAROUND: in the Scroll event, post a flag to True and test it in the first 
line of the Mouse event. as an example:


PUBLIC SUB grd1.Scroll_Click()
	ScrollFlag = true

PUBLIC SUB grd1.MouseUp_Click()
	if ScrollFlag then
		ScrollFlag = FALSE

3) if a scroll bar is present and if you click on the left arrow at the right 
of the bar, the scroll event is NOT fired, but the MouseUp event IS, so the 
preceding workaround doesn't work in this case. (the bar looks like 
| <                 <|> |
and I talk about the second left arrow)
WORKAROUND: in the MouseUp event, test Mouse.X and/or Mouse.Y
If the cursor is out of the square area, Return.

4) If you want use Text and Picture properties in the same square of a 
GridView, you have to Draw it! (Just to say I really need an equivalent of 
the MSHFlexgrid of VB!)

I hope this could help somebody

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