[Gambas-user] ¿Bug In Gambas 1.9.20 with static long constants?

Dani Santos jose.santos at ...429...
Wed Nov 2 12:30:04 CET 2005


I've got a Static Class Module in my App where I define constants
related to my Database: Default values, Size of VarChar fields, etc.

The name of the class is CProcBBDD.

Today, I've add this constants to the class:

' Default users.
STATIC PUBLIC CONST DefaultAdminUserId AS Long = 1
STATIC PUBLIC CONST DefaultSingleUserId AS Long = 2

When I do something like:
Dim lngIdUser

lngIdUser = CProcBBDD.DefaultSingleUserId

Gambas says to me (translating from spanish):
The program stopped unexpectedly
sending the signal #11

Please, report a bug...

I add a simple project to reproduce the bug.

NOTE: I'm currently using Gambas 1.9.20

Dani Santos <jose.santos at ...429...>
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