[Gambas-user] Re: Strange Event situation with a window destroyed

Lorenzo Tejera fidojones at ...805...
Fri Mar 25 23:41:29 CET 2005

Ok here it's the application , if you open Button "Ventas" and close the 
window by closing the X button or cliking "Ventas" again, gambas report error 
an close program. I debuged it and window close very well but when windows 
it's closed it regenerated a lostfocus in a textbox (that work very well if 
window is opened logically) event that not should execute it....if object is 

database tiendagest.sql is include for mysql. Also if you could add a feature 
to next version of gambas to make when you click an Item in listbox and if 
you click again the selected item it not generate a new click event...(I 
would be grateful ).


Lorenzo Tejera

El Lunes, 21 de Marzo de 2005 16:46, Benoit Minisini escribió:
> On Monday 21 March 2005 17:40, Lorenzo Tejera wrote:
> > Why when I destroyed a window
> > Example
> >
> >   gFrmDevolucion.Close
> >   gFrmDevolucion.Delete
> >   gFrmDevolucion=NULL
> >
> > When the windows is closing y and object is deleted, some text box
> > with the lost focus event continue executing and obiously the program
> > crash......
> >
> > I solved reading a boolean if form is open or not, it's correct this
> > situation?
> You must send me your project, and explain how to reproduce the crash, so
> that I understand what happens, see how to workaround the problem, and
> eventually fix the bug if it is a bug!
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
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