[Gambas-user] shell and exec with wait

Rob sourceforge-raindog2 at ...94...
Wed Mar 16 18:08:00 CET 2005

On Wednesday 16 March 2005 11:56, José María Lucero wrote:
> I am having problems using shell and exec comands with Wait For
> Read, it seems to ignore the wait.

There's no such thing as SHELL ... WAIT FOR READ or
EXEC [ ... ] WAIT FOR READ.  WAIT and FOR READ are mutually 
exclusive... currently, any output generated by a program executed 
with WAIT is discarded.  If you want to run a program synchronously 
and retrieve its output, look at workarounds such as my "Backtick" 
function which is in the wiki and Gambas help.

I actually think specifying WAIT and FOR READ together should throw a 
compile-time error... I'm going to update the wiki to reflect their 
mutual incompatibility.


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