[Gambas-user] Re: Re: Am I doing something wrong?

Rob sourceforge-raindog2 at ...94...
Wed Jun 29 22:08:14 CEST 2005

On Wednesday 29 June 2005 15:39, A Person wrote:
> My recent workaround is to create a timer with a 1050 delay so that
> each random number generation is at least one second later than the
> previous.

If you REALLY want randomness, you could go outside the box a bit:

public function genpw() as string

        dim pw as string
        dim c as string

        do while true
          c = backtick("head -c 1 /dev/random")
          if asc(c) > 31 and asc(c) < 127 then
            pw = pw & c
            if len(pw) >= 8 then return pw


/dev/random will block until another random number has been generated.  
You can find backtick() in the Gambas documentation by searching for 
backtick; it does in earlier versions of Gambas what

	c = shell("head -c 1 /dev/random")

would do in 1.9.10.

If dropping all the characters below 31 and above 127 proves to be too 
slow for your purposes, put this before the if statement:  (actually, 
you should be able to remove the if... and endif lines entirely if 
you do this)

	c = chr(asc(c) mod 96) + 32

or to restrict it to alphanumeric only:

	c = mid("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", (asc(c) mod 36) + 1, 


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