[Gambas-user] Suggestions

Peski - peski_2k at ...67...
Thu Jul 28 12:54:39 CEST 2005


At first, excuse me if my english isn't good. I'm not English.

Some days ago, I have noticed that gambas make executable files with all 
files found in project folder. For example, if I have a little programa 
written in Gambas, and in the project folder of this program I have a .mpeg 
file with size=100MB, Gambas will make an executable file of 100MB+real size 
of my program, in spite of this video file isn't use actually in my program.
I think is better that gambas only insert in executable file the files which 
program actually uses.

About IDE, Would be possible show in the tree project, procedures and 
functions below his class?
With this option We will access quickly to this procedures and functions. 
Yes, I know that exist a button in code editor with more or less same 
function, but I think that this option is useful and homey for certain 
peoples (for me as example, ;-) hehe)

This is all.


PD: Have I written well? ;-)

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