[Gambas-user] Problmes with sockets

Daniel Campos danielcampos at ...282...
Mon Jul 11 08:45:56 CEST 2005

You must specify the event handlers, that is, you can do, for example:

Public Srv As ServerSocket

Srv=NEW ServerSocket AS "Srv"

So you can use:

PUBLIC SUB Srv_Connection(sHost As String)



The same thing with the client:

Public Sock As Socket

Sock=New Socket AS "Client"


PUBLIC SUB Client_Ready()



D. Campos

PaquitoSoft escribió:

>How do you do? I'm having a terrible headache because of sockets. I'm
>starting with them and it seems as they were trynig to beat me, but I
>resist as much as I can... (god, what the hell I'm saying!! sorry)
>The fact is... I'm trying to connect a client with a server; easy, isn't
>My client would have a lot of outgoing connections at the same time, and
>the server, of course will have a lot of incoming ones.
>I started the client, trying it against the Server gambas example. And
>here is where I'm stucked.
> I make the connection with .connection() method and the server receives
>it and accepts it. But, none of the sockets events are raised in the
>client side.
>I don't use form control. I mean I didn't put a Socket into my form.
>Since a will have many of them, I create them anytime a I need one and
>sotred them in a Collection..
>This is what I'm trying:
>' Gambas class file
>PUBLIC srvSocket AS ServerSocket
>PUBLIC serverConnectionSck AS Socket
>PUBLIC sockets AS Collection
>PUBLIC idSocket AS Integer
>PUBLIC SUB _new()
>  sockets = NEW Collection
>  srvSocket = NEW ServerSocket
>  srvSocket.Type = NET.Internet
>  srvSocket.Port = 40004
>   serverConnectionSck = NEW Socket
>   serverConnectionSck.Host = SERVER_HOST
>   serverConnectionSck.Port = SERVER_PORT
>  sockets.add("0",serverConnectionSck)
>  idSocket = 0
>PUBLIC SUB Aux_click()
>  serverConnectionSck.Connect()
>    PRINT "Error: " & Error.Text & " en la línea -> " & Error.Where
>    '*****************  SERVER EVENTS  ****************'
>PUBLIC SUB Socket_Found()
>  PRINT "Host found..."
>PUBLIC SUB Socket_Closed()
>'This event is raised when the server close the connection
>  PRINT "Server has closed the connection"
>PUBLIC SUB Socket_Ready()
>  PRINT "Connection stablished sucessfully "
>PUBLIC SUB Socket_Error()
>  PRINT "Error: " & MAux.getStateMessage(serverConnectionSck.Status)
>PUBLIC SUB Socket_Read()
>  DIM info AS String
>  READ #LAST, info, Lof(#LAST)
>  PRINT dinfo
>Well, actually I only want this program show me a message after it tries
>to connect. I expect it to print that the connection was stablished, but
>it doesn't print anything.
>On the server side it recieves the connection and accepts it, but in the
>client side it doesn't happen anything after
>Any ideas??
>Thanks a lot!!

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