[Gambas-user] Strange error with arrays
eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Wed Feb 23 08:23:52 CET 2005
You don't have the patch from Benoit! That's true, without that patch,
the color switches don't run. Benoit explained it like this:
Yes. The warning messages, and the bug (I think) come from the fact that
try to create a DrawingArea with width=height=0 px.
I patched the DrawingArea widget, so that when it is cached, the internal
bitmap cache is always at least one pixel by one pixel.
Here is the patch...
What he did not explain is how I could avoid this. Maybe I got him
wrong, but if you see the reason just tell me.
Well, I'll include the patch. If you want it, put it into the src/lib/qt
and compile Gambas with it.
Once you've got my program running, you have to press F9 to switch from
editor into preview and back. Just forgot to mention that earlier :-)
Charlie Reinl schrieb:
> Salut Rolf,
> sorry on my box, can't run your project, got #11 by every
> Draw.ForeColor and the Draw.LineStyle in SeiteEinstellen().
> Don't know why, never dit something with draw ????
> Will have a look, about!
> Amicalment
> Charlie
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