[Gambas-user] Error when writing data to file

Dallen Wilson warped.dragon at ...626...
Mon Feb 14 05:33:55 CET 2005

I'm getting an error I haven't seen before when using PRINT to write 
text to a file.

The full output of the console, from program start to end, is:

QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
kbuildsycoca running...
Reusing existing ksycoca
kio (KIOConnection): ERROR: Could not write data

After doing a bit of searching on google, I'm led to beleive this is 
actually a problem with my kdelibs install rather then gambas, but I'm 
not sure. Has anyone seen this before? The code that caused it is:

OPEN Global.home & "myshard.list" FOR WRITE APPEND AS #OutFile
    PRINT #Outfile, Global.tmpString

CLOSE #OutFile

Global.home points to a directory, and Global.tmpString contains a valid 
string of text. The file in question is erased and it's contents 
deleted, even though it's supposed to be opened for appending.

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