[Gambas-user] Mabe a bug on event handler

Fabien Bodard gambasfr at ...11...
Fri Dec 30 15:18:47 CET 2005

Hi Benoit

This is a snapshot of my project...

Try to run it !

I've an event with 2 arguments, if i put 2 argument in the event handler, it 
say too many arguments, if i put 1 it say not enougth... please can you tell 
me how to put 1.5 arguments ? ;-)

If you can generate a patch in a short time it while be wonderfull.

I'm in the last way to show an alpha version of my report générator.

Another query...

What about a KeyWord to allow to mask an inhertited parent property, sub or 
function.(like in vb.net) Some parent function have not to be showed but can 
be usefull in some internal uses...

And in some case i don't want that a parent property changed... like vBox who 
inherits ReportContainer... Arrange property in this case have not to be 
set... contrary to Box 

Why Does i need to export inherited class in componant case ? in this case 
user have access to many things i don't want to ! 
I think you need to perform the resembling between the c interface and the gb 
one for components !

Fabien Bodard
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