[Gambas-user] Again on DrawingArea

PV oreip at ...1...
Mon Aug 1 15:34:16 CEST 2005

On 01/08/2005 14:48, Benoit Minisini wrote:

> Here is more informationabout the DrawingArea internal stuffs :-)


> When you can't easily do that, i.e. when your drawing is too complex to be 
> easily splitted into a rectangle, you prefer drawing everything each time you 
> receive a Draw event. And so, you do the job twice or more times comparing to 
> the first way. So it is twice or ore slower.
> I think you are in that case. Am I wrong ?

No, you are absolutely right! :-)
Actually all the drawing routines are enclosed in the Draw event and the 
resulting graph is way too complex to be split into rectangles.

> The solution will be having a property in the DrawingArea to tell it merging 
> or not drawing events. I think I will do that.

Thank you Benoit for your explanations, everything is much more clear now and I 
won't go crazy trying to find glitches or speedups in my code... :-)

And thanks a lot in advance for the merge/not merge property that you plan to 
add to the DrawingArea!


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