[Gambas-user] Problems with results from mysql

Rolf Schmidt rolf.frogs at ...221...
Mon Apr 4 19:55:10 CEST 2005


I wrote a small application to collect my bicycle kilometers and show my 
fitness. The time I sit on the bicycle is stored in seconds but I let MySQL 
give me the sum in hours, minutes and scecons.

Here the query and the result as shown by the mysql-client:

  select sec_to_time(sum(dauersekunden)) as dat ,
                sum(kilometer) as km 
               from daten where datum between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31';
   | dat      | km      |
   | 26:40:11 | 613.042 |
  1 row in set (0.00 sec)

As one can see, the time is given in hours.

Gambas shows the result as: "01.01.-4801 01:30:11"
Here the gambas code:
  request = "select sec_to_time(sum(dauersekunden)) as dat, sum(kilometer) " &
                  " as km from daten where datum between '"
  request = request & Year(Now) & "-01-01' and '" & Year(Now) & "-12-31' "
  myresult = hDB.Exec(request)
  IF (abfrage.Count > 0) THEN
  TextLabel1.text = "Duration: " & myresult["dat"] & " Std."
  Textlabel2.text = "Length: " & myresult["km"] & " km"
    Textlabel1.visible = FALSE
    TextLabel2.visible = FALSE

Even in the gambas debugger the value "01.01.-4801 01:30:11" is shown, So 
where take the conversion place and how could I get the right values?

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