[Gambas-user] How to avoid second instance?
eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Thu Sep 16 08:58:38 CEST 2004
Hi Alberto,
this is my solution - it does not contain IsDir() yet because Ron's mail
came too late :-)
There is some German in it:
datei = file
pfad = path
dtnr = file number
laeuft = is running
One could make the second "FOR EACH..." somewhat shorter by using
IsDir(), but unfortunately there is no IsFile(), so the first "FOR
EACH..." will have to stay I guess.
I've built it into one of my projects and it runs perfectly this way.
PUBLIC SUB CheckProcId()
DIM datei$ AS String
DIM progr$ AS String
DIM pfad$ AS String
DIM dtnr AS File
DIM t$ AS String
DIM laeuft AS Boolean
laeuft = FALSE
progr$ = CStr(Application.Id)
pfad$ = "/home/" & System.User & "/"
FOR EACH datei$ IN Dir(pfad$, ".msyb-lock")
OPEN pfad$ & datei$ FOR READ AS #dtnr
LINE INPUT #dtnr, t$
CLOSE #dtnr
IF t$ = "" THEN
OPEN pfad$ & ".msyb-lock" FOR WRITE CREATE AS #dtnr
PRINT #dtnr, progr$
CLOSE #dtnr
FOR EACH datei$ IN Dir("/proc/", t$)
laeuft = TRUE
IF laeuft THEN
OPEN pfad$ & ".msyb-lock" FOR WRITE CREATE AS #dtnr
PRINT #dtnr, progr$
CLOSE #dtnr
Alberto Torres schrieb:
> Maybe using a lock file with the PID in it:
> -Check if exists the lock file (say /tmp/yourapp.lock) and it has a
> number in it.
> -If so, check if the program with that PID is running (i.e. checking
> /proc/[pid], say pid is 12345, check if directory /proc/12345 exists)
> -If it is already running, exit
> -Else, replace the lock file writng Application.Id in it, and
> continue.
> Regards
> DiThi
> Eilert escribió:
>> Hi,
>> how can I avoid that a second instance of the same prog is started e.
>> g. by a double click?
>> Is there a way of finding out if there is another instance of the same
>> prog by the same user running? Or do you think a file-based solution
>> (lock files) is easier to implement?
>> Rolf
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