Charlie Reinl na2492 at ...9...
Thu Sep 9 23:58:26 CEST 2004

>On Thursday 09 September 2004 22:20, Daniel Campos wrote: 
>> > 7 Mo unstripped. But to know the weight of the library, you must strip
>> > Then you get about 640K (This size reminds me something) 
>> Oh yes! CP/M was able to manage that amount of memory, and other 
>> operating  system I can't remember was able too :-))) 
>> >  
>> > Regards, 
>> >  
>Uhhh I made my CP/M bios at home build computer with Z80  
>CP/M (80) was developed for 8080 CPU and can only 64k. 
>CP/M86 of later date was running at 8086 and could indeed 640 on XT. 
>But it was not the CP/M as original designed and I believe also less 
>success full after all. 
>I had a bit overkill in 1980 with mapping of 16k segments out a range of 
>Calling from TRS80 mode the CP/M system and back starting a second TRS80. 
>Not dual boot but dual run. :) 
>The good old days, snif. 
this was just a few seconds after where, the air was clean and sex was dirty?

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