[Gambas-user] Newbies Package Creation Problem
technoferret at ...598...
Mon Sep 6 12:03:00 CEST 2004
On Mon, 2004-09-06 at 10:17, Benoit Minisini wrote:
> Grrxfgh @#*! And with this one ?
Now we're rocking, sort of ;-)
Ok Benoit, I've got it working.
The file you attached hadn't got the alien calls modified to use
fakeroot so I added the fakeroot myself and it now works. I have created
a package and installed it with no major problem.
I have noticed a bit of strange behaviour but it may be my system -
when a .deb is installed that has a menu item update-menus is usually
run but does not seem to be doing so. As I said this may be my system
but I have found one slight difference between the menu files and the
one the package creates. It is only a matter of formatting and after I
manually run update-menus everything is hunky-dory. I have attached a
standard menu file and the one generated by the script for you to
compare. I do not think this is a serious problem though and as I said
it may be related to my system.
"All electronic components have smoke inside them, once this is released
they will cease to function."
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