[Gambas-user] About Source Printing and PrettyPrinting

Charlie karl.reinl at ...9...
Fri Oct 29 22:16:28 CEST 2004

Why PrettyPrinter is called like this:
    My first contact with PrettyPrinting was some years ago, and if you 
belive or not I
    ditn't understand what it means.

    History: PrettyPrinting it the terme used by SAP to well format the 

    For me well formated Sourcecode, is very important, because if I 
scroll over the code to find
    something I to it very quick (the scrolling) and by the way the code 
looks I find the place I look for.

    So I allway try to write well formated code.
    Therefor I'm interested in tools who helps me, to well format the code.

    Till that day I formated my code by hand, now I could write quicke 
and easier and push the button, ..
    I had at the end well formated code.
    That why at first time I ditn't see  the difference.

A last to printing:

    It must be around 1983, the slogan was given 'paperless Office' .... 
a dream for us.... (the naturel enemy of a programers, is the printer)
    And with WYSIWYG, it became worster.
    But now about 21 years later i can say , they where wrong.
    The 'paperless Office'  exists only in the minds of tax-officers.
    There are allways the problem of too long lines, not enought place 
on the page,
    not taking care off the hardware problems etc. etc
    Not SAP or IBM or  one of the other, have solved this problem.

    And for that I have to say gambas can print the sources in a good way
    So I had to clean up my HP OfficeJet 710 with 96° alcohol and 
ear-stics during 1h
    to test Carstens Sourceprinter, because with a bad paper tracking 
the colors change, or the printer returns an error.




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